ReachOut Creative Futures identifies the importance of early intervention to enable children of all ages to help them meet their full potential. We specialise in supporting children and young people identified as having low self-esteem and confidence and work with these students to build resilience, self-esteem and better aspirations for their future.
Our delivery model is through creativity. Students are encouraged to think about creating a collaborative piece of work to encourage team work, communication skills, planning and evaluation. Our experience has demonstrated that this delivery model has successfully helped students to move forward and become happier, more confident young people who look forward to going to school and interacting with their teachers, peer group and school life.
As the testimonials demonstrate we have an excellent track record in working with young people who are struggling with school and have been identified as possible future NEET (Not in education employment or training).
We are a delivery partner, and sub-contracted to, Cornwall Adult Ed. This funds our delivery of projects to post 16 young people who are NEET and come from a variety of challenging backgrounds, including those in care, care leavers, young people with mental health issues and young people who have dropped out of main-stream education.
Our bespoke school projects include:
Year 7 Social Skills Programme
This programme is intended to enhance the Social and Emotional development of
Learning It is designed to develop a young person’s social skills to enable them to take a full part in the school day and look at the circumstances around barriers they have to learning and engaging with others.
In order to meet the individual requirements of each child the programme will need to be reactionary, to address problems as and when they arrive which will possibly be different for each learner. However we have identified a number of different areas where problems could arise and have at some session ideas to address these areas. The programme is not put into weekly sessions as these can remain fluid to meet learner needs and is
interchangeable if other areas need to be addressed. All sessions will have an element of team work, creative skills used as a medium to breaking down barriers and discussions. All are designed to be fun and engaging
Session areas:
ReachOut Primary Schools Film Project
“Film is an inclusive medium, accessible to students of diverse learning styles, experiences and needs by virtue of it’s rich variety of visual and auditory content” – The British Film Institute.
ReachOut can offer a variety of bespoke creative projects to schools to enhance the work that is already done with whole classes during school hours. Or it can offer projects to smaller groups of students who would benefit from intervention work to help them grow in confidence and self esteem, therefore giving them a better chance of engaging in group situations and improve their class participation.
The children will do all the camera and sound work and will be introduced, and take-part in, the writing and directing of the film. As the editing process is more involved this is typically done off site after working with the children.
A more involved project which would involve more time with the children would include them having more hands on involvement with the editing process and learning about producing cover artwork and graphics etc.
If on other occasions we had longer with the group, we could incorporate the Arts Award with the children but it would be too much for them to take in, in just a week.
For more information about these and other programmes, including costs, please get in touch through our contact page.