ReachOut Creative Futures has successfully delivered ESF funded programs to a number of schools in Cornwall, working with year ten students who have been identified as being at risk of becoming NEET (Not in education or training). We engaged young people through creativity and working towards the Bronze Arts Award. Young people worked on a collaborative piece, to encourage team work, communication skills, co-operation and improving own learning. We are very proud of our 100% pass rate for the arts award and many of the young people we worked with demonstrated improved outcomes in attendance, behaviour and school work, four weeks after completion of the project when progression was further evaluated.
We have also delivered anti bullying projects in both primary and secondary schools. Reachout feels passionately about early intervention and helping children and young people meet their full potential, our expertise is in developing arts based projects to help drawout confidence, communication skills. self esteem and improved aspirations for those identified as needing additional support in these areas.
Reachout takes referrals from a variety of different referral agencies including CSW Group, Pentreath Industries, Social Workers, Family Support Workers, Social Prescribing, Schools and Self-Referral. We have a number of projects that are funded, allowing young people to access alternative education provision in small supportive groups, these are of particular benefit to young people who may not have had the best experience of education and lack confidence and self esteem to continue in mainstream education, our programs are designed to improve confidence, self esteem, motivation through the medium of arts and creativity including music, photography, film making, design.