Student Feedback – Class of 2020-2021
“ReachOut is a relatively small group that focuses on confidence building, learning practical skills for everyday life, along with English and Maths. I personally feel very comfortable within the group and the small group size makes me feel like I am getting the support I need. Plus, everything is made fun and nothing (not even the Maths) feels mundane.”
“ReachOut is 100 billion times better than school. It’s a smaller group and there isn’t an unkind soul among the students or staff. It is relaxed and you are fully supported and championed by the tutors. Mondays and Tuesdays are English and Maths and Wednesdays is Arts. I wish I had found ReachOut sooner because it is how education should be in my opinion.”
“There are not many people so if you’re anxious that’s good. It’s very flexible and not that strict. We go to the beach and the theatre. It is arty, friendly, you can make movies or cook or take part in exhibitions. Teachers won’t leave you out, you learn life skills and there is no uniform!”
This video outlines the impact ReachOut has had on the lives of young people we have supported and includes the views of our directors. This video was produced in 2017 with the help of Kandu Arts
Feedback from staff members about the benefits to their students following their participation in the 180 Turnaround Project
Feedback from year 10 students who took part in the 180 Turnaround Project
Primary School Anti Bullying Project
Group One: Bugle Friendship Group
6 children who had identified themselves as being bullied (3 boys, 3 girls)
Activities centred on confidence / self esteem building via group games
Discussions around what is bullying and where it happens
To ensure the use of friendship stop in playground
The making of a news report
All children were engaged and motivated though out the sessions, looking forward to each session.
Children’s Comments:
“It’s helped me to walk away”
“I know what to do now, rather than feeling on my own”
“Its been really fun, even though bullying isn’t”
“I don’t get called names anymore, practicing walking away really helped me to be able to do it!”
Parents Comments:
“I think she may have found too much confidence!”
“I feel like what I have been saying at home has been reinforced by this club”
“I don’t worry so much now, before I would be wondering if they were ok. Even it happens I know that someone is trying to help”
School Comment
The group has made a clear difference to the social and emotional aspects of school life for all children
involved. They hold their heads higher, and have certainly become more resilient. It’s been a pleasure to watch the children begin to take steps to look after each other, especially around the use of the friendship stop. It’s very difficult within the school to make time for these dedicated groups, we wouldn’t have been able to do it had it not been for the time and expertise and Trish and Reach out.
The making of an anti bullying rap and music video
Children’s Comments
“I loved working with Nathan and Trish”
“Before the group, I was always in trouble, now hardly ever. It’s made me think about things differently”
“When are they coming back to work with us?”
Parents Comments
“He has loved working with Trish and Nathan”
“She comes home so enthused about the music she has been making, she has started writing songs”
School Comments
The difference that this group has made has been major. Incidents of name calling, fighting, pushing etc have reduced significantly. Before the group started we had one participant who was consistently missing play for incidents in the playground. Since the group has finished the child has not missed one playtime.
Bugle School would like to thank Reach Out Creative Futures for the time and effort that has gone into the organisation and running of these groups. Without their time, commitment and energy these children would not have received the one to one support that they needed to effectively deal with the issues around bullying.